Zip's Ziggurat

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This site is under construction. For the moment most music commentary and links are over at
Now, here is a little bit about Zip's Ziggurat...

I've been collecting records for about 35 years now. (Jeez, I can't believe it! I've never really thought about that...) I've been in record retail at many different levels for most of the last 25 years, from small mom and pops to large mall chains. My (somewhat jokey) slogan is: "Bespoke LPs and CDs of the Latter Ages" I am committed to fast, fair service and to making sure that you get the music you want in the condition you want. I carefully grade, clean inspect and pack every item I sell and I do my best to see that all my items are exactly as described. This being an imperfect world, very occasionally there might be a glitch. When there is a glitch I do my best to solve it quickly and fairly.

Looking for a certain 12 inch, LP or CD? Please feel free to EMAIL ME

Want to know when I'll be selling at a record show? Try A listing of record happenings and shows around the North East USA. (Not just the one's I'm at). Also available as an RSS feed

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Zip's Ziggurat Items for sale at Amazon


Parnassus Records Classical LPs, CDs etc.
Pooplist Blog : A blog for music and culture stuff. Also a portal to the POopList (POmpous and Opinionated People)
Forward In All Directions: Home page for the radio show i did for Lots of playlists. See what radio could be.
In Lieu Of Radio...(blog) : A somewhat random collection of pages and thoughts. Now that i'm not on the radio 6 hours every day, blogger allows all of us to harangue... Politics, privacy, rants.
The Wisdom Of Whores : A remarkable blog about Sex, Science and Sundries - Bureaucrats, Brothels and the Business of AIDS (full disclosure, the author of WOW is my sister).